Friday, April 30, 2010

Refusal of the Call

"I was close enough to smell the wild odor on his coat and feel the warmth of his breath. Then I did what I had always wanted to- I put a hand on his dense ruff, and when he didnt flinch I buried both my hands in his fur." (Shiver, Maggie Stiefvater, pg. 20)

In my novel Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater the main character, Grace, did not hesitate or refuse the call out of her Ordinary World. As a child she grew up knowing that their were wolves living in the woods behind her house, and she also knew that these wolves were different. There was one special wolf, Sam, who was always watching over her, acting as somewhat of a protector. So when she grew older and fell in love with the human part of the wolf, she never refused the call to adventure to come into a different and dangerous world of werewolves. The part of the story in which this occured was when Grace touched the wolf for the very first time. This was significant because this was the first time they had had any connection, even after years of watching eachother. This was the first step in their relationship and even without this step she would never had met him in his human form and they would have never fallen in love. Even when Grace was told the dangers of Sam's world, she didnt think twice about stepping out of her safe world and into his.

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